[42][43] General Edmund Allenby used infantry to attack the strong Ottoman front line in co-operation with supporting artillery, augmented by the guns of two destroyers. [1][2][3][4], During the interwar period, aircraft and tank technologies matured and were combined with systematic application of the traditional German tactic of Bewegungskrieg (maneuver warfare), deep penetrations and the bypassing of enemy strong points to encircle and destroy enemy forces in a Kesselschlacht (cauldron battle). 20/3 User: She worked really hard on the project. C. Virginia colonists needed to form their own government and company. Modern Bewegungskrieg: German Battle Doctrine, 19201940 (2001), Vardi, Gil-Li. D. the amount of matter in an object. D. A method of war using motorized vehicles and aggressive movement. Washington, DC 20024-2126 An armored counter-attack organized by Colonel de Gaulle could not be sustained, and he had to retreat. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. [102] The Battle of Kursk ended with two Soviet counter-offensives and the revival of deep operations. What did happen was the Wehrmacht's blitzkrieg into the Soviet Union in 1941, which caught Stalin by surprise. Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? Weegy: Blitzkrieg is a swift intensive military attack, using tanks supported by aircraft, designed to defeat the opposition quickly. A frontal attack would immobilize the enemy while forces on the flanks would execute a double envelopment, forming a pocket called a Kessel (cauldron) around the enemy. Thus, "the image of the German 'Blitzkrieg' army is a figment of propaganda imagination". Blitzkrieg seemed to be based around the pervasive use of new technology. He developed Plan 1919 for massive, independent tank operations, which he claimed were subsequently studied by the German military. Military planners and bureaucrats in the war economy appear rarely, if ever, to have employed the term blitzkrieg in official documents. mobile homes for rent in rigby idaho. [105] The Soviets made a concerted effort to disguise their knowledge of German plans and the extent of their own defensive preparations, and the German commanders still hoped to achieve operational surprise when the attack commenced. The bombings of Guernica, Rotterdam and Warsaw were tactical missions in support of military operations and were not intended as strategic terror attacks. = 2 1/4. Allied counter-attacks soon forced back the Germans, who abandoned much equipment for lack of fuel. [68][g], Close air support was provided in the form of the dive bomber and medium bomber. Panzer IV in France 1940. Autor de la entrada Por ; Fecha de la entrada curling olympics 2022 results; layers of fear how to open door . 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Weegy: Blitzkrieg was a swift intensive military attack, using tanks supported by aircraft, designed to defeat the opposition quickly. See all questions asked by mstonebreaker1998. 1: Terrain. ", This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 20:29. Blitzkrieg is most commonly associated with Nazi Germany during World War II even though numerous combatants used its techniques in that war. After all, during the disastrous campaign in Belgium and France, it had seemed as if German tanks and aircraft were . The surprise attack resulted in the near annihilation of the Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily (VVS, Soviet Air Force) by simultaneous attacks on airfields,[95] allowing the Luftwaffe to achieve total air supremacy over all the battlefields within the first week. Blitzkrieg is vulnerable to an enemy that is robust enough to weather the shock of the attack and that does not panic at the idea of enemy formations in its rear area. [13] Modern historians use the term casually as a generic description for the style of maneuver warfare practiced by Germany during the early part of World War II, rather than as an explanation. Question 16 options: A) A method of war using motorized vehicles and aggressive movement B) A German term describing racial unity C) A German term for "peace with honor" D . The manoeuvrability and technical capability of the next generation of bombers would be 'as unstoppable as the flight of a shell. A. Germany was able to march an army through Luxembourg and Belgium, then capture France, all in the same ye. Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? "[147] Blitzkrieg was not an official doctrine and historians in recent times have come to the conclusion that it did not exist as such. By the language they speak C. By the way they travel D. By the religion they practice. Why was the Virginia Company founded? Blitzkrieg relied on a military force be based around light tank units supported by planes and infantry (foot soldiers). In the south, Allies land in southern France and take Rome. The Luftwaffe deployed squadrons of fighters, dive-bombers and transport aircraft as the Condor Legion. [92] That same French army collapsed after barely two months of fighting. It happened because the German aircraft industry lacked the experience to build a long-range bomber fleet quickly, and because Hitler was insistent on the very rapid creation of a numerically large force. = 15 * 3/20 Weegy: Blitzkrieg is a swift intensive military attack, using tanks supported by aircraft, designed to defeat the opposition quickly. [108] Pier Battistelli wrote that the operational planning marked a change in German offensive thinking away from blitzkrieg and that more priority was given to brute force and fire power than to speed and maneuver. In fact, far from it being a specialist panzer spearhead arm, less than 15 percent of the Luftwaffe was intended for close support of the army in 1939. Germany successfully used the Blitzkrieg tactic against. [58], According to David A.Grossman, by the 12th Battle of Isonzo (OctoberNovember 1917), while conducting a light-infantry operation, Rommel had perfected his maneuver-warfare principles, which were the very same ones that were applied during the Blitzkrieg against France in 1940 (and repeated in the Coalition ground offensive against Iraq in the 1991 Gulf War). However, the Luftwaffe also provided volunteers to Spain to test both tactics and aircraft in combat, including the first combat use of the Stuka. Weegy: Blitzkrieg was a swift intensive military attack, using tanks supported by aircraft, designed to defeat the opposition quickly. This is especially true if the attacking formation lacks the reserve to keep funnelling forces into the spearhead, or lacks the mobility to provide infantry, artillery and supplies into the attack. = 2 5/20 20/3 [k] In 2000, Niklas Zetterling and Anders Frankson characterized only the southern pincer of the German offensive as a "classical blitzkrieg attack". [91] The French and British frequently used their tanks in the dispersed role of infantry support rather than concentrating force at the point of attack, to create overwhelming firepower. D. It was expensive to launch a colony in the New World. The French, hard pressed to organize any sort of counter-attack, were continually ordered to form new defensive lines and found that German forces had already by-passed them and moved on. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. 6 2/3 Full participation for women in mainstream society is the stated goal of the National Organization for Women. User: What move made by hitler in 1936 violated the treaty of versailles? That Nazi Germany went to war on the basis of "blitzkrieg economics" was criticized by Richard Overy in the 1980s and George Raudzens described the contradictory senses in which historians have used the word. = 15 ? Blitzkrieg means "lightning war". C. After five years of work This was in shocking contrast to the four years of trench warfare which French forces had engaged in during the First World War. A blitzkrieg method called for a young, highly skilled mechanized army. To obtain the best co-operation between all arms, emphasis was placed on detailed planning, rigid control and adherence to orders. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. The British also had an "enviable" contingent of motorized forces. Through superior mobility and faster decision-making cycles, mobile forces could act quicker than the forces opposing them. Armor commitment consisted of Panzer Battalion 88, a force built around three companies of Panzer I tanks that functioned as a training cadre for Spain's Nationalists. What US foreign policy idea was expressed in a military manner with involvement in the Korean War? to have influenced Heinz Guderian. The German army, contrary to the blitzkrieg legend, was not fully motorized and had only 120,000 vehicles, compared to the 300,000 of the French Army. Check all that apply. [144], The Luftwaffe did end up with an air force consisting mainly of relatively short-range aircraft, but this does not prove that the German air force was solely interested in 'tactical' bombing. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). [9], Despite being common in German and English-language journalism during World War II, the word Blitzkrieg was never used by the Wehrmacht as an official military term, except for propaganda. [101][102] Soviet defensive tactics had by now hugely improved, particularly in the use of artillery and air support. [citation needed], Blitzkrieg had been called a Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) but many writers and historians have concluded that the Germans did not invent a new form of warfare but applied new technologies to traditional ideas of Bewegungskrieg (maneuver warfare) to achieve decisive victory. It was an innovative military technique first used by the Germans in World War Two and was a tactic based on speed and surprise. Guderian's leadership was supported, fostered and institutionalized by his supporters in the Reichswehr General Staff system, which worked the Army to greater and greater levels of capability through massive and systematic Movement Warfare war games in the 1930s. = 45/20 But lacking the ability to hit them with accuracy (only three or four Ju 87s saw action in Spain), the Luftwaffe chose a method of carpet bombing, resulting in heavy civilian casualties. [88][i] There was no time for the French to send such reinforcement, for the Germans did not wait for siege artillery but reached the Meuse and achieved a breakthrough at the Battle of Sedan in three days. = 45/20 what was the blitzkrieg weegy. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. Under these conditions it was difficult for German commanders to employ the "armored idea", if at all. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. A. [17][18] It is also common for historians and writers to include psychological warfare by using Fifth columnists to spread rumors and lies among the civilian population in the theater of operations. [96][97] On the ground, four German panzer groups outflanked and encircled disorganized Red Army units, while the marching infantry completed the encirclements and defeated the trapped forces. Flexibility was the Luftwaffe's strength in 19391941. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. In May 1940, there was near parity in numbers of aircraft between the Luftwaffe and the Allies, but the Luftwaffe had been developed to support Germany's ground forces, had liaison officers with the mobile formations, and operated a higher number of sorties per aircraft. Specialist light infantry (Stosstruppen, "storm troops") were to exploit weak spots to make gaps for larger infantry units to advance with heavier weapons and exploit the success, leaving isolated strong points to troops following up. [citation needed]. What fuel there was went to panzer divisions, and even then they were not able to operate normally. A method of war using motorized vehicles and aggressive movement C. A German term for "peace with honor" D. A method of war involving extensive fortifications and focusing on defense. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. The answer is B. Weegy: D-Day was the day (June 6, 1944) in World War II on which Allied forces invaded northern France by means of beach landings in Normandy. The centers served to field-test aircraft and armored vehicles up to the battalion level and housed aerial- and armoured-warfare schools, through which officers rotated. The Germans followed their initial success with Operation Red, a triple-pronged offensive. Operation Barbarossa helped confirm that armor effectiveness and the requisite aerial support were dependent on weather and terrain. While Allied forces in 1940 lacked the experience to successfully develop these strategies, resulting in France's capitulation with heavy losses, they characterized later Allied operations. Weegy: Blitzkrieg was a swift intensive military attack, using tanks supported by aircraft, designed to defeat the opposition quickly. During Operation Barbarossa, huge encirclements in 1941 produced nearly 3.5 million Soviet prisoners, along with masses of equipment. Bill of Rights is a similarity between the United States Constitution and all state constitutions. German thinking reverted to the possibility of a quick and decisive war for the Balkan campaign and Operation Barbarossa.[115]. By the end of the war, Germany found itself defeated by the strategic (Schwerpunkt) and tactical (Kesselschlacht) concepts that had initially brought it such success. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. Weegy is the name of the AI ( and apparently female ) so questioners can write as if talking to. This document, which the Luftwaffe adopted, rejected Giulio Douhet's theory of terror bombing. After the war, the Reichswehr expanded and improved infiltration tactics. Answer: Blitzkeieg means Lightning War. The word, meaning "lightning war" or "lightning attack" in its strategic sense describes a series of quick and decisive short battles to deliver a knockout blow to an enemy state before it could fully mobilize. Mobile and available in significant quantity, artillery shattered as many units as any other branch of the Wehrmacht. "[123] Hanson also reports that at a Munich public address in November 1941, Hitler had "disowned" the concept of Blitzkrieg by calling it an "idiotic word. B. the interval between two events. For historical generals, from Alexander the Great of ancient Macedonia to Frederick II of 18th-century Prussia, their armies functioned as the centre of gravity. Later manifestations of blitzkrieg tactics were the combined air and ground attacks by Israeli forces on Syria and Egypt during the Six-Day War (June 1967) and the Israeli counterattacks and final counteroffensive of the Yom Kippur War (October 1973). User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. If the army was destroyed, the commander would be considered a failure. The German view of themselves as the losers of the war, may be linked to the senior and experienced officers' undertaking a thorough review, studying and rewriting of all their Army doctrine and training manuals. Hitler halted his armored and motorized forces outside the port of Dunkirk, which the Royal Navy had started using to evacuate the Allied forces. Germany's strategy was to defeat its opponents in a series of short campaigns. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? They seized strategic points in eastern Belgium and landed deep within Holland. What's the perimeter of a square with a side measurement of 6 in.? The current line-up consists of Brian Ross (vocals), Alan Ross (guitar), Liam Ferguson (bass), Matt Graham (drums), and Nick Jennison (guitar). [2][5] During the Invasion of Poland, Western journalists adopted the term blitzkrieg to describe this form of armored warfare. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? [25] The German popular press followed suit nine months later, after the fall of France in 1940; hence although the word had been used in German, it was first popularized by British journalism. Fighter-bomber attacks on German formations made movement during daylight almost impossible. Score 1 User: what move made by hitler in 1936 violated the treaty of versailles Weegy: In 1936, Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by moving troops into the Rhineland demilitarized zone. User: The was the systematic imprisonment and murder of Jewish people, in nazi-controlled territory during world war two. It was here that most losses were inflicted upon the enemy, primarily through the mass capture of prisoners and weapons. = 15 * 3/20 Though German fighter presence over Normandy increased over the next days and weeks, it never approached the numbers the Allies commanded. The German Army had a greater grasp of the effects of technology on the battlefield, and went on to develop a new form of warfare by which its rivals when it came to the test were hopelessly outclassed. It switched from air superiority missions, to medium-range interdiction, to strategic strikes, to close support duties depending on the need of the ground forces. Robert Watt (2008) wrote that blitzkrieg has little in common with Soviet deep battle. [41] The decisive Battle of Megiddo included concentration, surprise and speed; success depended on attacking only in terrain favoring the movement of large formations around the battlefield and tactical improvements in the British artillery and infantry attack. The United States made up for the lack of manpower on the home front during World War II by employing women. Staff burden was reduced at the top and spread among tiers of command with knowledge about their situation. Blitzkrieg is a German term for lightning war. AboutTranscript. [19] The term seems rarely to have been used in the German military press before 1939 and recent research at the German Militrgeschichtliches Forschungsamt at Potsdam found it in only two military articles from the 1930s. internment camps. Although production of Luftwaffe fighter aircraft continued, they would be unable to fly for lack of fuel. [132], In the 1930s, Hitler had ordered rearmament programs that cannot be considered limited. Weegy: The Holocaust was the systematic imprisonment and murder of minority . Which of the following was a goal of the Tennessee Valley authority? Weegy: The Virginia Company was founded because: It was expensive to launch a colony in the New World.User: What happened to the Virginia Company once Jamestown was settled? At the Battle of Kursk the Red Army employed a combination of defense in great depth, extensive minefields, and tenacious defense of breakthrough shoulders. Panzer Lehr, for instance, on 7 June alone lost 84 half-tracks, prime movers and self propelled guns, 40 fuel bowsers, 90 soft-skinned vehicles and five tanks as it made its way from Le Mans to Caen. ]. Liddell Hart, in letters to Guderian, "imposed his own fabricated version of blitzkrieg on the latter and compelled him to proclaim it as original formula". This is a crude caricature of a highly competent general who authored Army Regulation 300 (Troop Leadership) in 1933, the primary tactical manual of the German Army in World War II, and under whose direction the first three panzer divisions were created in 1935, the largest such force in the world of the time.[157]. [83], Although journalists popularized the term blitzkrieg during the September 1939 invasion of Poland, historians Matthew Cooper and J. P. Harris have written that German operations during this campaign were consistent with traditional methods. by . [127], In the 1960s, Alan Milward developed a theory of blitzkrieg economics, that Germany could not fight a long war and chose to avoid comprehensive rearmament and armed in breadth, to win quick victories. The Manhattan Project was the top-secret project tasked with developing atomic weapons in the United States. It was never used in the title of a military doctrine or handbook of the German army or air force,[8] and no "coherent doctrine" or "unifying concept of blitzkrieg" existed. User: She worked really hard on the project. The author vaguely suggests that a massive strategic air attack might hold out better prospects but the topic is not explored in detail. [64] Through Schwerpunktbildung, the German army could achieve superiority at the Schwerpunkt, whether attacking or defending, to turn local success at the Schwerpunkt into the progressive disorganisation of the opposing force, creating more opportunities to exploit this advantage, even if numerically and strategically inferior in general. This war tactic was very effective. Hitler and the Wehrmacht's planning in the 1930s did not reflect a blitzkrieg method but the opposite. See how German troops parachuted behind the Maginot Line as part of the blitzkrieg against Allied forces. These artillery-based tactics were also decisive in Western Front operations after 1944's Operation Overlord, and the British Commonwealth and American armies developed flexible and powerful systems for using artillery support. James Corum wrote: Guderian expressed a hearty contempt for General Ludwig Beck, chief of the General Staff from 1935 to 1938, whom he characterized as hostile to ideas of modern mechanised warfare: [Corum quoting Guderian] "He [Beck] was a paralysing element wherever he appeared.[S]ignificantly of his way of thought was his much-boosted method of fighting which he called delaying defence". [99][100], In the summer of 1942, Germany launched another offensive, this time focusing on Stalingrad and the Caucasus in the southern USSR. Student described it as ideas that "naturally emerged from the existing circumstances" as a response to operational challenges. The German General Staff was abolished by the treaty but continued covertly as the Truppenamt (Troop Office), disguised as an administrative body. Paradoxically, from that period onward it became its weakness. His views little endeared him to the French high command, but are claimed by some[who?] All employment of force should have an effective concentration in a single moment, with a single action, Clausewitz argued. With much of their own armor and heavy equipment lost in Northern France, they lacked the means to fight a mobile war. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? https://www.britannica.com/topic/blitzkrieg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - The Myth of Blitzkrieg, PBS LearningMedia - The Story of Blitzkrieg | Nazi Mega Weapons: Blitzkrieg, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Holocaust Encyclopedia - Blitzkrieg, blitzkrieg - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). This style of warfare brought the maneuver back to the fore, and placed an emphasis on the offensive. The French armies were much reduced in strength and the confidence of their commanders shaken. Another German theorist, Ernst Volckheim, wrote a huge amount on tank and combined arms tactics and was influential to German thinking on the use of armored formations but his work was not acknowledged in Guderian's writings.[159]. Guderian argued that the tank would be the decisive weapon of the next war. The Germans never achieved the kind of fire concentrations their enemies were capable of by 1944. greensboro country club board of directors [69], Methamphetamine (known as pervitin) use is believed to have played a role in the speed of Germany's initial Blitzkrieg, since military success employing combined arms demanded long hours of continuous operations with minimal rest. [142], Corum continues: General Walther Wever compiled a doctrine known as The Conduct of the Aerial War. Terror bombing was deemed to be "counter-productive", increasing rather than destroying the enemy's will to resist. Some of these officers are: Theodor Busse (, Guderian's remarks are from an unnamed article published in the National Union of German Officers, 15 October 1937 as quoted in, von Schwichow, 'Die Ernrungswirtschaft als Wehrproblem', Deutsche Wehr XVIII (39) (2 May 1935), pp. Weight is best described as A. the amount of surface included within a set of boundaries. The following day the Allies made repeated attempts to destroy the German pontoon bridges, but German fighter aircraft, ground fire and Luftwaffe flak batteries with the panzer forces destroyed 56 percent of the attacking Allied aircraft while the bridges remained intact. 1134-6, Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://www.deutsche-biographie.de/sfz63329.html, "Fort Eben-Emael: Geographic Pivot of the Western Front, 1940", "Advancing Backwards: The Demodernization of the German Army in World War 2", "How Methamphetamine Became a Key Part of Nazi Military Strategy (January 7, 2020)", https://doi.org/10.1179/106980489790305551, Armstrong, G. P. The Controversy over Tanks in the British Army 1919 to 1933 (PhD 1976), Sinesi, Michael. During the Battle of France, the French made attempts to reform defensive lines along rivers but were frustrated when German forces arrived first and pressed on. The Reichswehr was influenced by its analysis of pre-war German military thought, in particular infiltration tactics, which at the end of the war had seen some breakthroughs on the Western Front and the maneuver warfare which dominated the Eastern Front. The expenditure for this war was extensive and put the economy under severe strain. But what is Blitzkrieg and is it anything that.

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what was the blitzkrieg weegy

what was the blitzkrieg weegy