I am do sorry, please know you are not alone! I havent been able to do things that I normally did since the day he left. My throat hurt so bad, I could hardly talk. But more so I feel awful for my mom. It makes me cry to think that you feel so badly that you dont want to live anymore. I realised also I can now go back to work. Holly, I cant breathe sometimes. It's still important to support your loved ones during their grieving process. I miss him so much and still feel so lost without him. In that, certain things will trigger moments of grief that did not occur in year one. But was suppose to be ok. This can feel like being in a state of shock or confusion surrounding the death of a parent. A second Christmas without a child. I still work because I am 58. I keep begging Stephen to come back,I scream at him. All I do is cry. They are blessings. So much its crazy. I dont really like the person I am at the moment, but am hopeful I will feel more complete, When my husband was ill and I spent a lot of time stressed and worried, I told a friend that previously my life had been like a bracelet of pearls, but now the pearls were interspersed with pebbles, no more complete happiness. I feel like my pain relatively same and I would like to contact Emma J Andrews. I pray alot. I have to accept this grief will never go, but I do wish it would lesson, maybe after the 2 years? In my dreams, we are hanging out, talking, laughing, and we always acknowledge the fact that she has passed away. I have just been reading through this site and found your response to minelike you..I dont want to socialise..I go to work..come home to the whirlpool of love from my two puppies..you and I are so blessed to have our furriesI know I will never have another soul mate and am so thankful to have been so loved and accepted for who I am ..may our boys rest in peace until we are together again..hope you have settled into your job.work will help keep us both going..hugs..ann. Our 21 year old twin daughters just got back from a movie and ran in to get me. I was told the first year was the hardest As I come up to the end of the year I find myself getting more irrational daily. I will be 67 later this year. I am 7 months in with the loss of my best friend, my wife. Im still trying to get over the shock of the diagnosis let alone his death. You must first, get rest. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. But they didnt get chance to sell it before dad just suddenly fell and passed away. Missing you always.". The Lord is working on that companions heart as we speak, and that person is trying to prepare themselves for a crossroads convergence with your heart. Just reading this now but I too have lost my fear of flying..it seems insignificant in all that has happened. I could see the tree that was snapped in half. Sudden death is what they called it, his kind and gentle heart just stopped beating. xx. He was only 53 when he passed. My birthday. My faith and knowing I will be reunited with him one day keeps me strong. Ive been around long enough and I dont really give a damn anymore about this earthly existence. She was 2 when he went and she is robbed of her loving gramps. But I meet someone in March 2017 three months after my husband passed away. I understand perfectly. Peace be with you all. We are all torn apart. But even after years, every day I'm carrying the pain . I dont know whats gonna happen. Maybe its a happy memory or a photograph. Good luck! He was my closest friend and confidant. I have a t-shirt on his pillow from his memorial that I have been sleeping with for over a year and I really dont care what anybody thinks it helps me. Our son, Kevin, died on January 28, 2017. I lost my husband of 44 years 14 months. Your children would feel the pain you feel if something happened to you! The second year is different in many ways, first that some people expect you to be over it. People say that time heals every pain. Thats hard at 69 . I miss him everyday and yes I am like the rest of everyone above the second year does seem worse. How I just want 5 minutes with him to tell him he was the kindest most gentlest man I ever knew. I must have made my mom thousands of cups of tea over the yearshow I wish I could sit with her and have one more. Am trying to make Xmas a happy time. I found him within seconds. I think the only thing worse would be the lose of a child that is the club I never want to be a part of. He didnt need to say a word his eyes and actions were everything. You are a child of the universe and have been left here for a reason. I feel your pain every moment of every day. People always tell me to move on and Ive tried but it hasnt been the same. But expectations are a big part of our mindset, even when were not in the stages of grief. There's no "normal" path or timeline. Before, at least I had some role to play in this horrific scene, but now it feels as though there is an even duller grayness about everything. Then, I ended up getting sick from malnutrition. Its been 16 months since my husband of 51 years died. I go to the grave site daily. But speaking for myself I had to change focus, take the focus off him and onto those left behind. Im on year four already and dealing with grieve again. To fast forward I have met a wonderful person. I dont know what to do.. Ann! !My best friends leaving.. really Knocked the Wind out of me. I know its partly because we discussed these remodels b4 he passed & I find myself turning 2 ask his opinion & hes not there. This is my first time reading all the posts. Sorry this is so long. I truly admire your honesty. I feel exactly the way you do. i feel like i am stronger than this, i know what i should be doing, but i find myself communicating by email, and everyone has gone back to living their life as they should. Since then, I have a general awareness that she watches over me, but I cant hear or feel her. Maybe one should not love so deeply, then maybe it would not hurt so much to lose them. Im pretty much numb. It seams harder now than the first year.I am always wondering will it ever be better or will life just be like this,just go through the motions.I lost a son 16 years ago my mother passed 5weeks before he did,I made it threw that but this so different,no (one can understand that),this hurt goes beyond that for me,does it ever get any better? I did the grief therapy, grief counseling, etc., that I was to do during the 1st year. together. I am conflicted as I proceed. God Bless and Congratulations on your educational pursuits. 2. I cant function. I miss my best friend so much and really feel I cant talk with anyone about what I feel going into this 2nd year. Navigating that first year, through anniversaries, birthdays and holidays can feel endless. I lost my husband of 63 years My spouse died suddenly also. The only approach is to get STRONGER, so I can carry it more easily and for as long as I have to. Which was lovely and took the pressure of me. I totally understand, I also had to make this decision 2 years ago for my baby sister who I was caregiver of. I have had a fight with depression most of my life. I pray for all of us that someday we will find true joy again. They would want us to go on!! Im old. )the two dogs were winning for mamma. I feel the same way about Clay. married for nearly 35 years and even though I have a He lives through me and I am blessed and honor to say that I love him the way I did. Which I fear for my partner as he is so lovely and loves me dearly but I cant let him in too much. I lived on chicken nuggets and pop tarts for the first year. We fought about it all the time and would say nasty things to each other among the lies etc. Bless you, My daughter passed 1 year and a half ago and the pain is worse to me. " People often say that time heals all wounds. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you dont really want them to. My first year I believe I was totally in shock and family members kept me busy. I did see a counselor. Such as giving a lot of her things away, doing things I enjoy and now because I have decided to move to Washington, which I currently live in Ft Worth Texas. I am at peace with him being gone, I just miss him like none other. Obviously the first year is hard everyday life is like a punch in the stomach and the air is sucked so ferociously out of your lungs by the thieving grief, you almost pass out, but because I was used to not seeing him for a couple of months I kept thinking Ill see him soon. The fact remains I just dont know what to do most of the time. We were supposed to grow old together. Cancer was the thief that stole him from me and has forever changed my life. "Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sigh" - Rossiter Worthington . I dont think this grief will ever get better. I cry and curse yet, but I am not debilitated on the floor for an afternoon. How do I pick myself up. I lost my forever unexpectedly 19 month ago, after 32 years of marriage. Technology is cruel, live pictures and videos make you see people in the past that once were eating dinner, and are now ashes on an urn. I often wonder why this all happened and why so close together, I needed my husband Pat to help me grieve for Cody. Was just trying to forget my past and start over again a fresh start but all that came down hill when I was in college and had a panic attacked in one class realizing that it was time for me to deal with the truth. Which really helped. It is not a accounted for grief. That I went into flight mode and tried to protect myself from anymore pain, from the hurt. Breast cancer took her from me and my three little babies (now 13 and 9 y/o). I owe him everything and I decided that Ill be living a life dedicated to love in memory of him. Two hours later my daughter was wondering why Dad didnt reply all of her texts, she tried calling him many times but no answer, 45 minutes later a cop knocked on our door and told me he was in the ER, I didnt think much of it, my oldest daughter ran to the ER where he was ( we live a few feet away from the hospital) while I am taking care of my then 7 years old son. We were married since September 2004 and Re married (I should say Valentines Day 2012) She would have been 39 May 15th Now two Birthdays have past and two Mothers day. My husband of 54 yrs. All me best regards. It will be three years in three months that I lost my husband. Just to let them know that they arent up here alone. But I miss my husband so much- its so hard ach and every day to continue on. But tied together since day one.And that was how it really was. Nothing has ever hurt so much and felt so hopeless. It . Stay strong during this difficult time, and know we are always here for you. I have grown children but they have their lives and are busy with their kids activities. As many of you have attested, over time, episodes of intense grief begin to happen less often yet they still wallop the same punch when they come. I dont think Ill ever be ok again. I was her care giver, but now going on the second year, I still have so many regrets . My husband died at home just over one year ago. I know how you feel since I knew my husband 58 years and we were married just short of 56 yearsan eternity and he passed away Jan 2019. Boys seeing so sad. The 1 year anniversary of his death is in a couple days. He said any kind of self harm is your bodies way of protecting itself from the great, immeasurable pain. Never would I have thought that things were going to happen the way they did. i am finding it more difficult with each passing day . He battled stage 4 lung cancer (also never smoked) for 7 1/2 years. Something that helped me was meeting others and making new traditions. Never to forget what you hadnever, never, never! I feel I am grieving harder now then the first year after he died. my daughter whom i was very closed t passed away 18 months ago i miss her so we were like sisters i have lost any feelings i cannot cry y i want to but the tears will not come i used to be a lot of fun but now i just dwell on what has happened to lose daughter when she is part of u is the worse feeling i have tried to keep busy but nothing helps wish i could cry. Everyone tells me I should be better but I am not. If you've lost someone you're close to, you might recognize some of these. I hope we both find peace somehow, someday. I am grateful to read all of these posts because I dont think Im over my grief, yet I have always heard that at one-year I would feel better and grieving will be over. Minimizing change gives the cat time to come to terms with the loss of a companion cat. I am still here. I also never realized during the entire course of me caring for her, how fearful I was of getting sick. Im disabled so i walk with a caneand in constant pain from that. And took over my wifes life I came home valentines night from work found my wife leaning against the wall on the floor. My mom died of cancer in January 2017 so I am approaching the one year anniversary mark. l started walking with a group of people who have lost there partners over the last few years and its helped all of us to talk about our partners ,we go out to movies and shows as a group of 22 men and women in our 60 to 80s.All say the second year is the hardest,whats good about our a couple have hooked up and going strong by just being with someone . Death is so final. Living with cancer was all we had ever known. Is it because the 1 year anniversary brings back intense pain & memories? He left behind a 5 year old boy. I still am filled with sadness and feelings of not being able to go on without him. It all came back like it was the first few days after he passed. I miss him so much and find myself crying lots.I want him back and I know that its impossible. i guess thats it for my self pity party. I have actual pain when the tears come and my grief is not abating. Maybe I am just waking up to the reality that suffering is unavoidable and that pretending away death does a disservice to everyone including myself as it makes me bitter and more resentful. She lost her battle in May 2016. you are so right. But heres my two cents. I miss him so much. foward with the huge hole in my He was so caring , so sweet man . Use the DATEDIF function when you want to calculate the difference between two dates. I finally went to the ER and ask what had happened, I was told that they were trying to helped him and the nurse asked me if there was anything happening or saw something on him the day before, I said nothing but our daily routine, then the ambulance came but left after a few minutes and I was told the ambulance was clean, I asked her what do you mean by clean? Good luck to all of you. They're what's come to be known as long-haulers in a pandemic that's killing about 2,500 Americans a day as case numbers soar from coast to coast. I miss him so much. My husband has been gone since April 2018. I have family near and it helps. He sent me an email before he died. We are all different and you will find your path somehow through this grief. Honor wherever you are right in this moment and know that even if it feels uncomfortable, unsettling and uneasy, that its probably exactly where you need to be. The death of your child and the pain that comes with it don't disappear after 10 years another reality I slowly crashed into. I am just into my second year and the intensity of grieving seems to have increased. I feel useless and empty. I went back to work on March 25th not long after his passing because I kinda freaked out when there was no money coming in yet so back to work I went. Just coming up for the first anniversary in mid November, I am feeling wretched and exhausted. Good luch everyone.. I hate her for that sentence. I truly am because we as grievers know that loss is not the complete word. We had 19 beautiful years together and 3 children the youngest being 10. Seriously! I was a nurse for 17 yrs, and I could see the signs. Hi Sharon Im bipolar, which does not help. So it is a major move, but I am waiting until the end of the year or beginning 01-01-19 to make sure it is for the right reasons. I am so sorry we are are all hurting people,i have found society is not real good at knowing how to help or react to us. A blessing one night though. I wish you better days and be glad you experienced a great love. Wedding anniversary his birthday. Dont know how to be happy. And then it did happen. I feel I have no strength and he would want me to be strong. I now am stronger. Who I am very proud to have and love them all dearly. Follow griever. Im so sorry for your loss. I cant find joy. . I am the same. I felt Helpless blamed myself. I sat with her for a week in palliative care, with my dad. One Year Death Anniversary. I know your pain I loss our Stepdaughter in January 1992 and My Mr. Lee in July 2016. My personality has changed, I feel clold hearted alot,when Im warm by nature. If there is a God please let me die. It has been 14 mths now and it doesnt get any easier, if anything harder as it becomes more real. Uthayanan SETHUPATHY. Since my mom's passing I've had four dreams about her. A white feather flew into my hand out oof the blue. kyonkyon136. I went online to read up on it. I dont agree with suicide and ending ones life, I at least understand why I did what I did. I guess its normal. Wishing you peace on this day of remembrance. I sometimes now find it hard to walk down a street that holds. I dont think Ive really dealt with this. Lost my son,my only child and best friend,13 months ago,38 years old,fell down his basement stairs,hit hit his head and died four days later.The pain gets worse every day.I cant even say more. Believe me what has help me here recently is reading all of these post, people have told about losing their loved ones. You know ever since he passed away. I lost my husband August 22nd 2018 and I too visit the grave site nearly every day, and pray to God to let me be with my love. Strange to say but after reading all the comments I feel validated. I also know that I dont really have a choice. Even though my love struggled with Parkinsons Disease for more than 25 years. I know I will never be the same but hope to try to feel better with time. Take care. "It's been a year since you passed and your presence is always missed.". It works. I feel like you, a lot of my fears are gone. I am 55 I just cant go on therapy does not help I pray to God to take me and let someone else live. very low bounce rate He looked after us all and I want him back so I can look after him! If the second year is worst than the first I do t know if Ill survive. Wish I was with my wife really. I know I dont want to live like this for any length of time anymore. She was 45. So in addition to trying to process her death, I still find myself saying to myself What happened? Or 50 feet tall. We just put one foot in front of the other, dont we? These days are what made the memories so hard to deal with. I have a 22 yr old daughter who lives with me and a 24 yr old son who lives with friends . I find comfort in knowing we did everything we could together when we could. Mom was it. Hi Holly, Its been five and a half months for me since my husband died. Now that I am starting the second year, I am finding it is much harder to be that strong person that everyone thinks I am. Nothing has sidewiped me as my beloved partner partner. I feel totally broken, and none of my friends understand, they just get in with their lives in a way I can never do again. I keep trying becasuse I know he would want to ,my grown kids need me and my two little grand children need me. Now no one mentions my husbandonly me I want to say his name and share our memories.but other peoples lives carry on.and I am left with mine blown apart. Stay alive. And, cry most of the time. Take it from an old guy. I dont know. We were married 23 years. Im 67 now. It was discovered that he had Guianne Barre disease that has been proven to be caused by this shot. Fighting for our lives, our very existence. The second year is hard , I dont know if its harder but definitely the break downs still happen Acceptance sits in. I struggle to find anyone whos gone through something similar since its so rare. Hundreds of acornsresonates with me. My whole life has been turned upside down. She was trying she (rehabs counseling etc.) I am 54 now. I lost my father 18th month ago sudden stoke he was with me I thought he was suffering from a low and I was treating him for that as he was type 1 diabetic. Grief is Grief. Days and feel so alone at times afraid to speak of my grief people telling me I should be fine. Its been two years next month since my husband died we were together 52 years we knew each other 56 years. I do have friends and church family that will not allow me to stay inside for very long. lost both my boys 2 years ago 37 38 4 2016 and 9 2016 you are in my thoughts and prayers . By 4 months old, your baby can remember that your face has disappeared when you play peek-a-boo, or that a ball has rolled out of sight. Your loss date was quite close to mine. 26 Likes, TikTok video from Chantra Keobunta (@chantrakkeobunta): "It's been a little over 2 months since my Mom passed away. I am sitting here sobbing ..reading these missives! I miss my wife I came home from work 2018 found my wife on the bedroom floor. I thank God daily for having given me 47yrs with such a great man. talk about your feelings with out your child hearing but talk to your child about their feelings because that child is hurting real bad too. Thanks for this. We were only married a year and a half. They absolutely do not like him Ive just heard rumors about him and they give me total hard ache all the time. I have been talking to many women about this. Memories or to go into a coffee shop. I lost my wife after 37 years of marriage. This is by far the worse loss i have experienced. My mums been gone 7 years tomorrow she passed away 23/03/2005 due to melanoma cancer I was 13 years old I was very young and that was . Only once in a while I say anything about it anymore. The first year was filled with a kind of silliness, overall weirdnessi guess from shock..i was busy with the estate stuff and running around getting the legal things done i had to do. Not everyone is like that just some of us. He passed fifteen days after our 47th Anniversary. For me, it is in those tiny slivers of time when I feel most alone and heartbroken. Yes, the lack of interest in things, the TV watching, but you do say you have faith it will get easier. I talk about him to everyone way too much, even strangers, it is like I cannot believe it and saying it out loud confirms it. My husband died 16 months ago. Since I lost my son. I wanted so much to go back to that day and be with her the whole time. Very hard for us left behind. He let me sleep late as part of my anniversary gift, and so that day i never told him Good Morning, nor have a good day, nor Goodbye. I was a young 54, when he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (non smoker). Anyway, I had strep throat one winter. My journey is about making a meaningful life, and you can. My boyfriend Michael passed away suddenly two years ago. I am afraid that if I dont learn to balance my grief with finding happiness I will jeopardize a future together. A person in this stage may feel the need to keep busy all the time, or do what they . Even though my brother was in the military for twenty four years and had been gone most of the time from the family. I felt relieved when he passed away, because I know he's not hurting anymore. almost 3 years later and i am still wondering. and still he doesnt appear. My health has been severely affected with a flare up of an autoimmune disease which ironically and surprisingly has helped teach me to live more in the moment and not have too much anxiety about the future. Why am I still here? In this second year, I am torn between selling our home and moving (where I do not know). and im back there again crying wishing id made more of that last year. WE PROVIDE HIGH-QUALITY VISITORS WITH: Really! I find that even my closest friends dont want to hear how Im really feeling anymore. Look for feathers its a sign there near you. But lately I find myself overwhelmed with sadness as weeping. Reading these posts have made me realize I am not alone, but do not help ease the unending pain I feel. We bought this old farm house many years ago and we worked hard to make it the home we wanted. How can we possibly ever recover. Theres little relief and not having my husband of 41 yrs here with me is suffocating. the answer is your husband was not in the ambulance, its empty. How does one handle it? The first few months of the second have been harder for me than any of the FIRSTS of the first year, Miss him everyday, My mom passed last May of 2017 and it will barely be a year this May and I dont know why but I am having a hard time, harder then when she first passed. As seasons go, you would probably consider this one very dark. Sending love and hugs to you all put there. Just trying to move forward in life but the pain came back again and it hurts so much. My youngest son lost his battle to addiction Sep 30 2017. Please, be sure and drink plenty of water and eat some. My heart seems too heavy to carry inside this body. If youre lucky, youll have lots of scars from lots of loves. His sister, my Mum died when I was 13 & lived in Ireland (he lived in the UK), our life turned inside out, no real help, Father ignored us, out looking for another & drinking heavily. I wish someone would share some hope.. something to inspire me to keep going. Unbeknownst to either of us he had a very enlarged heart. Ive grown in ways I did not know I needed to. He has been gone for 15 months. I keep myself so busy its a little crazy. Sometimes I find myself asking Did this really Happen? I know theres no perfect people in this world and I understand that. Well grieving does affect your metabolism, and hormones, and you are tired all the time, and often overeat. We had selected and paid for our weding bands. I HAVE TO PUT ON A BRAVE FACE for my kids. This year, however, i really noticed how each are busy with their own lives nowtho i am sure would come if i called, theres nothing they can do. My husband was murdered and four months later my beloved dog died. She has no idea what this loss feels like, what your love felt like, or what is right for you. So I felt guilty I hadnt managed it, though this was complicated by Covid restrictions & my disability & health conditions. And I took him of life support. Love to all i feel your pain. Im still trying to somehow soothe their pain, their need and its getting harder by the day. I need one that tells me when we will be together again. I relive it every day when I go to sleep when I wake up. Eric, Ive felt lonely and sometimes I dont know how to cope with the loss and pain. Lewis, 23 years old at the time, was the youngest "Big Six" leader to address the thousands-strong demonstration. I can say, there is hope and it is centered around one step at a time. For those 7 years since you passed away I've missed your voice, your hugs, your laugh and your face. I want to thank everyone that has posted above, it makes you realize that it isnt just you and the people that says you have to move on, find a purpose just flat out dont understand. June 24th will be 2 yrs sine my husband died. You can use the IRS' Where's My Refund? I new I had to cope for them and my own sanerty. I struggle to find ways to fill the time and have struggled to find friends who get it. We had been married for 58 years. I have not had a single day without tears since she was diagnosed.Yes, just over 18 months. I look around my town and I see so many changes and I hate it because everything reminds me of Mum every shop that closes down that Mum used to visit leaves me heaving. I am taking that as progress through the storm. This second year is so hard in a different non-surreal way. Ive been told several times that I should be over it by now. Operation, trial drugs immunotherapy, radiation..and they came back worse every time till they couldnt do anything else. Strange to think I am now living longer them. Hearing your story makes me not feel alone. @@i lost my daughter May 2, 2018. Do not see life as getting in the way of your love for your husband, Im sure he wouldnt want that either. Maybe it is because we all thought if we made it to the first anniversary how could the pain not ease up. Worst thing Ive ever gone through. First put a start date in a cell, and an end date in another. Watching all my friends with their husbands makes me so sad. I am trying to give something beautiful from him. Ive said it many times: nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can prepare us for the finality of death. Operative word being had. Do I see a doctor, join an old unhappy womens group, I just want to be through being lonely and miserable. So I decided to move back home to St. Louis. I lost the only person who ever understood me and this is what that feels like. She made it 7days. happy again. I am 50 years old, he passed at the age of 53. Im so sorry for your lossyour grief appears to be a response to a great connection and therefore a great loss of companionship and love. The lord said it was not my time. But the grieving does not last all day but while it going on its intense. 1989 this cancer came into our lives.

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it's been 9 months since you passed away

it's been 9 months since you passed away